A Smaller Project
Helping me prolong the denial that my dream yarn is not going to work for my dream sweater are these, knit tulips: Doesn't everyone a few of these? Especially 1st grade teachers, don't you think especially first grade teachers need more knit flowers? I sure hope so because that is what our wonderful 1st grade teacher is going to be getting this June. I was gifted a small bouquet of these tulips for a birthday present last year and I almost peed on myself I was so excited. But now I am second guessing myself-I am already the type of person to get excited about this kind of thing. Not to mention that I also easily pee on myself a little, but I totally blame my kids for that. Do you think everyone gets excited about knit flora? Or is it potentially a granny-ish thing to be into? Our teacher is young and modern and cute as all get out, but I'm not so sure about crafty. I think of knitting non garment items as fun and whimsical, but its entirely possible that these would be just dust collectors for many people. Perish the thought. Because I love this project. It is easy. And fast. And uses up scraps!
I knit these with worsted weight yarn because its what I had the most colors of. The bouquet I was gifted (knit by my friend Emanuela) was done with sock weight yarns and those were a little more elegant looking with their smaller sized stitches. Still, the first one I knit with worsted weight yarn got the Good Enough! stamp from me and I forged ahead. The top (darker) pink flower was the first and was knit on size 7 needles and it was a little too big. I realized that I should be knitting this a little tighter so I moved down to 5s. That was better but notice I'm not ripping that first one because I am nice and lazy like that. Like I said, it is Very Good Enough!
Whether or not you have to be crafty or a granny to appreciate these I hope she will feel genuinely appreciated when I attach the kid to them.