I sent out into the world the sparkly yarn. I could not commit. I wanted to make something I would wear with those colors, something kind of muted with a little color pop here and there. But in the end the Angelina did me in. It was fun to spin but a little Reno for a harf.
So, here I am again, searching for a new commitment. I've thinking for a while of doing something with a singles yarn that has a slower color change with thick stripes or blocks of color. This is my current experiment, I like it so far: Parts of it got a little too thin, its been a while since I've spun a thicker single and I'm doing it on a little schaact spindle. Maybe I should switch to my heavier weight ashford. I have to go slow for it to come out as squishy as I like. I knit this energized, spinning a little and knitting a little, I didn't measure WPI or anything but will have to when I start spinning for the actual harf. So far I'm just enjoying my enormous gague swatch!
Can you resist its shiny, lustorous goodness? I couldn't! I couldn't resist all 5lbs of it. Even though I am destashing (in theory) and it is unwashed. I've been trying to wash less myself since I've just got plenty to do with dyeing and spinning it all. I drum carded and spun a teeny sample-a simple 2 ply. This could be beautiful overdyed, its just amazing. I'm thinking of sending it out to be combed into top. I might be able to get what I want with my drum carder but we'll just see. The sample itself is a bit underspun.
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